Silver earrings with turquoise - PolcaratDesign

Silver earrings with turquoise - a beautiful and elegant accessory

Turquoise is one of the most recognizable and constantly fashionable gemstones. Possibly dating back to 6000 BC, the blue mineral has graced everything from the cathedrals and kings of ancient civilizations to the jewelry of modern celebrities over the centuries.

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This stone belongs to the group of opaque minerals with a blue color, which is due to the content of the element copper in its crystal lattice. Chemically, it is a hydrated copper and aluminum phosphate, the latter can be partially replaced by iron, then the stone takes on a greenish color.

The name and use of turquoise over the centuries

The word "turquoise" comes from the French "turquois" meaning "Turkish". It was through Turkey, the silk route, that the stone came from Persia to France. Ancient Persia (today Iran), where turquoise has been the national stone for millennia, is still the cradle of the most exquisite specimens of this mineral. As early as 6000 BC, it was used there to decorate various objects (horse bridles, turbans) of mosques and buildings.
Amazing sculptures consisting of thousands of pieces of broken turquoise glued with resin to a wooden body became the heritage of the Aztec civilization. Mosaic objects such as knives, shields, mirrors often belonged to high-ranking members of Aztec society, such as rulers and priests. Masks and some other objects were used during ceremonies and rituals, and the specimens preserved to this day can be admired in the collections of a few museums (e.g. the "Double-headed serpent" in the British Museum).

Sterling silver turquoise earrings

The ornamental value of turquoise was already appreciated in ancient Egypt, where it was used for many purposes, including jewelry and ceremonial items. This is evidenced by the fact that the only discovered pharaoh's sarcophagus belonging to Tutankhamun consisted of three coffins - the inner one made of pure gold, and two outer wooden ones covered with gold and inlaid with precious stones such as lapis lazuli and turquoise. The discovery had such an impact that the turquoise trend spilled over into Western jewelry, architecture and art. Especially silver jewelry with turquoise gained popularity, silver earrings, pendants and brooches with this stone disappeared from stores en masse.

Turquoise - occurrence, varieties, colors

A characteristic element of turquoise are often (though not always) dark fragments ("veins") crossing the stone in some places. what are they? Turquoise has been formed underground for thousands of years. Blue forms are formed in the so-called parent rock. However, not all parent rock discolors evenly to a turquoise color. Small, thin fragments cutting through the stone are nothing more than inclusions of other minerals, which, without changing their color to blue, retain their color - depending on the type of mineral - black, brown or dark gray. Sometimes they create a very original network of patterns. Such turquoise is then called matrix turquoise, cobweb turquoise or turquoise matrix.

In our store, we often emphasize that the photo of the jewelry is only an illustrative photo. We do not have much influence on what stones the supplier has at his disposal. Sometimes they are "used" with characteristic threads, sometimes not. Sometimes the stone is in a more vivid shade, sometimes it is less saturated. If you buy, for example, silver earrings with turquoise, on request we can send a "live" photo, taken with a phone in daylight, so that the customer can see what the stones look like in the product that is in stock.
Another feature affecting the value and price of individual specimens is, of course, the color. It can vary in a wide range - from light blue, blue to dark blue and green-blue. Green teals tend to have a lower value. The model of the highest quality jewelery raw material is the material extracted from deposits in Iran (former Persia). It is characterized by an evenly distributed blue color from the middle of the scale. In trade, this color is referred to as "Persian blue".

Interestingly, the color of turquoise changes under the influence of various atmospheric, physical, chemical or health factors. Many centuries ago, it was noticed that turquoise fades when its owner is sick or depressed, it can completely change color after its death and regain it when it is transferred to a new, healthy owner. Today we know that it is the result of entering into a chemical reaction with some substances released during the disease. It should therefore be borne in mind that silver jewelry with turquoise is susceptible to various factors, so perfumes, detergents, sweat or sunlight can change its color.

As for the places of extraction of this mineral, the most historically significant, also due to the best quality of turquoise, are the mines in present-day Iran (former Persia). Turquoise deposits are also found in the USA, Egypt, Tanzania, China (Tibet), Russia and Afghanistan.

Turquoise with silver - the power of stones

Turquoise jewelry, as well as other products with this stone, have been treated for centuries as a kind of talismans or amulets that add special features and power to the wearer. They were credited with calming anger, facilitating reconciliation with the enemy and resolving possible conflicts. No wonder that turquoise is called the "stone of winners".
In addition, warriors often used it as an element of horse harnesses or bridles. It was believed that it protects both the rider and the horse from falling. Today, it is used as a stone protecting drivers against bad luck and accidents.
Turquoise is also a frequent talisman that frees you from bad vibes, adds self-confidence, vitality and helps to keep a clear, open mind. For these reasons, it is often recommended for public figures and those who communicate frequently.
Therefore, turquoise jewelry is not only a decoration but a powerful dose of support that helps us feel and act better. The pendants or silver earrings with turquoise available in our store will be especially perfect as a gift for women born in December. Turquoise is the personal stone of people who were born in this month. It is also worth knowing that turquoise jewelry given to a lover has always been treated as a declaration of sincerity and care towards the partner.

Which turquoise to choose in jewelry - natural, synthetic or reconstructed?

As with other gemstones, demand has resulted in the introduction of various types of imitations, synthetics and reconstructed turquoises. There is nothing wrong with them, provided that the customer is not misled into buying jewelry with a cheaper substitute. So we can distinguish the following categories:


How much more would we like to wear silver earrings with turquoise on our ears, being sure that the minerals encased in them are a geological miracle of nature created thousands of years underground, rather than a synthetic laboratory product. However, it is important to realize that the price of real turquoise averages around $30 to $40 per carat for a high-quality piece. So you should not expect that in earrings for several dozen zlotys we will find them. If you really care about real turquoise, choose a store offering jewelry with a certified stone.


Synthetic turquoises did not appear on sale until the turn of the 1970s and 1980s, when a French company started producing "Gilson turquoise". It should be remembered that synthetic turquoises are practically identical in physical and chemical terms. Therefore, even an experienced gemmologist will not tell us immediately whether he is dealing with natural turquoise or a synthesized laboratory product. The situation is different with imitations. They are only supposed to "take on" their appearance, and their chemical and physical properties are completely different from the original. Turquoise imitations include, for example, howglite and magnesite - two white minerals ruthlessly impersonating other precious stones. Sometimes you can recognize them by unsightly white fragments where the dye has not reached. Often, however, imitations are so well made that the untrained eye of a layman will have a problem with distinguishing them from natural stone.


The gap between natural and synthetic stones is filled with reconstructed turquoise. Silver jewelry with turquoise available in our store has just that. Reconstructed turquoise is made by melting powder and small fragments of turquoise at high temperature, and then cooling them down and forming them into shapes ready to be used, for example, in jewelry. If you care about the beauty and properties of a stone such as turquoise, without straining your home budget, choose jewelry with reconstructed stones.

Jewelery with turquoise in Polcarat Design

The Polcarat Design store has a huge number of silver ornaments divided into individual categories depending on the stone encrusted in them. Turquoise jewelry is one of the most visited departments among the entire assortment in our store. No wonder, this blue mineral reminiscent of the blue of the summer sky or the azure of the ocean depths is the oldest of the decorative stones and aroused admiration as early as 6000 BC
Silver jewelry with turquoise is a perfect complement to a classic, chic look. Turquoise will best complement neutral stylizations (beige, black, white), but as it is in fashion, you can have fun and combine it with other colors. Silver, turquoise earrings or a bracelet worn with a white, airy dress are often used to create the recently fashionable boho style.
Unlike the golden setting, the silver setting is more neutral, it does not overwhelm the blue of the stone, only bringing out its beauty and enhancing its elegance. Especially copies where silver is oxidized reflect the amazing character of this stone.
Among the decorations with the stone in question, our store offers you silver earrings with turquoise, to which you can usually choose a pendant, ring or bracelet. All products are made of 925 silver and packed in a decorative box, so they can be a great idea for a gift.

Which turquoise earrings to choose?

If it is difficult for us to decide on a specific product, we suggest from our own experience, as well as based on sales results, that the most popular element of women's jewelry are undoubtedly earrings. In our store, silver earrings are usually available on two types of clasps: short and long. This means that people with an elongated face can choose earrings by the ear that are more favorable for them, and for people with round facial features, long silver earrings will be a better idea, which will optically slim the face. But what about people who don't have their ears pierced? Here, an alternative to earrings will be silver brooches with turquoise , rings, pendants or bracelets. Regardless of your choice, you will not be disappointed with the quality and durability of jewelry, which we have been taking care of for over 35 years as a domestic jewelry manufacturer.